WOLFF Onsite by Wolffkran
Big Red Offset Access Cage
Big Red Offset Access Cage
When Wolff Onsite, a Wolffkran company, were on the lookout for a steel designer and fabricator to produce the UK’s (and Europe’s!) first offset access cage, they came to Assesmont Group Ltd to produce the goods.
A key requirement of any operational construction site is a facility for the safe and speedy transfer of personnel and product to/from areas of the site that may be difficult to reach by other means. Assesmont designed the access cage from scratch, and calculated all counterweight, balancing and lifting requirements. The 4-people carrier unit consists of an extension with sides rising above waist height with a handrail. The harness points are located between the cage and the extension.
Pockets located at the base of the unit for easy transportation using a forklift
This product can be customised to meet your specific needs regarding size and lifting capacity
Features additional lifting points on the side for easier installation of tie brackets to cores below the slipform
The opening hatch at one end allows easy access for bolting brackets to cores, without the need to work outside
Consisting of two additional rails at the bottom of the unit to tether tools at working height
The unit has four bump stops at the end to prevent marking any walls while working